Talk About Inspiration…

In 2017 I studied for (and received) my certification in personal training. That next year, I began my first book in the Out of the Cloud Series of contemporary romance. Because the writing process for me is very personal, this series naturally has a heavy element of fitness woven throughout.

In Book One, Black Sand Forest, Shelby Van Dorn, my heroine, is a personal trainer by trade. Drawing on my own life for inspiration, her propensity for outdoor, no-boundaries fitness is dear to my heart.

Because everyone here is also dear to my heart, I would like to share my Top 10 Health Tips, as they appeared on my personal blog awhile back.

So here it goes…the launch of My Top 10 (or so) Health Tips…

Presented over the next 10 (or so) posts…



Keep Your Body Guessing

There are as many ideas on this one as there are people in the world, so here’s my two cents…

My father always told us to “take the line of least resistance” whenever we were pondering pathways or fighting barriers. Sometimes we followed his advice. Most of the time we chose to grab our swords and slay whatever dragon stood in our way. (Not the line of least resistance)

As it turns out, sage advice comes from the…well…sage. Many years later, I now employ my dad’s advice while my sword gathers dust in a display case in my mythical castle. The method is fantastic for lowering my stress levels and heightening my pleasure levels. I’m a fan.

As it turns out, the human body is a fan, too. It never slays dragons unless the alternative is worse. (Like getting eaten.)

The body thrives on efficiency. It constantly seeks the easiest way to do things. And that isn’t the best way to get fit and stay there (mentally and physically).

Look at Exercise! If you do your same workout day after day, your body will become so efficient at performing the tasks required that it will recruit less muscle fibers, require fewer synapses to fire, and consequently, not give you that same pump and build, both in your body and your brain.


Change it up!

If you do….

  1. Your brain wakes up
  2. Your muscles scramble to meet demands
  3. You get results.
  4. ***It’s a win-win-win!***

Same with your gut

Studies show that the more diverse our veggie intake alone, the more diverse our microbiome and therefore the more efficiently our body breaks down and absorbs the nutrients. The same is true for other food groups, schedules, dietary ideas

Be adventuresome! Not just with veggies

  • With every other food group
  • With all sorts of cooking methods
  • Even with mealtimes
  • Try Fasting Try New Food Combinations Try things just for fun!

Keep it fresh, keep it lively, keep it exciting! Oh, and stay healthy as a result!

Happy Guessing!!