Health Tip #4 – Trial and Error…..and Trial again…

Welcome to the information age!


What that means for health is there are now a bazillion “experts” and “diets” and “exercise plans” all at our fingertips.

Most of them have merit. Someone…somewhere has probably benefited from every piece of advice that is out there.

Will you? Who knows. Are you drawn to it? Give it a try. Not? Give it a pass (even if hype and peer pressure and colorful marketing make it next to impossible)

Experimentation can be a fantastic way to tune into the subtle workings of your body and (if you’re into weird hippie stuff like me) to flex your muscles of intuition and explore the energies at play in your life.

Intuition and the Internet:

Bazillions of tidbits of information fly at us every moment of every day. Our conscious mind catalogs like 5%. An interesting way to see what you are putting your energy toward is to see how the world reflects it back to you. What is your intuition trying to tell you?

Example? Are you seeing signs of ageing and decline everywhere? Do you look away really quickly, hoping it won’t catch up with you?

Maybe it’s your intuition knocking. So, get to work with the internet….Do some searches on longevity or mobility or flexibility. Look up some herbs or foods to add into your diet to get some of the nutrients you might be lacking. Or simply…. cut out the crap you know makes your body work harder, thus inviting degradation over time.

In other words, listen to the Universe! 

Experimentation with Supervision:

Obviously, I am wholeheartedly into self-experimentation, but recently I heard some really good advice ‘Experimentation with Supervision’

And here’s why…..not too many of us are scientists, regularly faced with utilizing the scientific method to carry out experiments.

Me? I left that behind in elementary school with my mistreated bean sprouts.

So, if we want to be lab rats, consider letting a professional guide the process. The conversation can be as quick as “hey, I am considering putting myself on an all-snail diet, what do you think about that considering my medical history and current medical condition?”

That leaves you being the primary driver of your personal health, as you are intimately knowledgeable about your body, while inviting a professional in the world of the generalized human body to oversee your efforts.

This can streamline the process so you don’t spend so much time running the maze and have more time to savor the reward at the end.

So happy trial and error!