Health Tip #6 – Say No to Brain Freeze

I think the biggest mistake anyone can make is labeling themselves. Attaching to a particular way of being is like cryogenically freezing your brain. In that moment, you cease to progress. That’s why Health Tip #6 is – Say No to Brain Freeze!

What am I talking about?


Take allergy or disease or any other diagnosis…

Perhaps you have had a series of tests and a panel of doctors have given you a bunch of important-sounding words all strung together to make a great acronym. Say these tests take into account your entire life experience, your DNA, your family history and all your current bodily functions. Say they send you home with a handbook outlining the exact steps your body will take on the short walk to the grave.


What none of that takes into account is you!

The human body

…your amazing body…

is a self-replicating, self-regenerating, self-healing, self-aware entity that constantly strives for balance.

This means that even while the doctor is spitting out the words of your fate, your body is changing, adapting to the environment around it and seeking survival! All a diagnosis means is that based on this moment and all the other moments leading up to this moment, your body has adapted in this way. Change one thing…something minuscule like the temperature of the room, and your body has already changed it’s state to adapt. I could go on all day about this but …

suffice it to say…

…give your body a chance! Say No to Brain Freeze!

Cut out dairy or gluten or food altogether for awhile…have some drugs or some surgery or some form of herbal torture. But don’t attach to your diagnosis and have it follow the two fateful words “I am…”

Don’t choose to live in an ever-shrinking world of allergy and disease.

Don’t freeze your brain.

Instead? Ask what if? What if I change this habit or thought or practice? What if I drop out of normal life for a minute…or a day…or a month?

What if?