Health Tip #9 – Tune In, Not Out

You know how… when you ask the Universe for something and you’re not totally specific… The Universe gives you plenty of chances to fine tune? So it was with me a few years ago. And here is what I learned.

A Story:

I have always dreamed of being a writer by trade. Meaning that someone (or lots of someones) gave me money to write. Then one day, I realized that I had met that goal….just not in the way I always dreamed. In fact, in a way that took me a long time to realize.

And then made me laugh.

I had actually landed a job where I got paid to write. By that I mean…. the more I disengaged from my work environment, the better employee I became. Consequently, I spent large amounts of my day constructing prose in my head, transcribing them at break time and typing them on my computer when I got home. I got a ton of blogging done in that time and actually wrote a couple of stories, too.

My mantra at that job was “I am not here to think”. You see, if I engaged my brain, it came up with ideas. These ideas changed my actions. And even though my actions netted a more efficient outcome which meant the same job got done in less time…that wasn’t why I was hired. I was hired to be a cog in the wheel. Cogs don’t think.

The Moral Is…

Today, I see that mantra everywhere!

“I am not here to think”

Think about it (yeah, I meant to say that)…As you look around your world, do you see that sentiment reflected back from every surface? I see it in healthcare, in the gym, at the grocery store, at the dinner table….

Let the ‘experts’ do it…

….tell you what to wear, to eat, to do… Don’t think…just buy this thing or take this pill or eat this superfood…

Whether it is due to the fact that we have 10 pounds of stuff to cram in our 5 pound day… or if we are pre-programmed to let experts and authorities decide what is best for us….the fact is….This world is easier to traverse with our brains turned off.

Easier doesn’t mean healthier

So here’s my thought for the day…and the essence of health tip number 9….

Use your brain.

At the gym…

Is the same workout routine boring you to the core? Your brain has disengaged, your heart took a hike and your muscles?? They’re enjoying a break, too, which translates to a giant plateau in your gains.

Even in your LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) cardio there is room for excitement. Something as small as changing the speed or incline of the treadmill every few minutes can engage your brain as well as improve neuromuscular recruitment. Letting the machine do it for you is fine, but it involves your brain more to do it yourself…make the decision…listen to your body and respond with your brain!

And then there is food…

Shoveling in food while planning your day or writing a grocery list or watching TV? We all do it. It’s part of the muli-tasking necessary to get all our stuff done. But what if we didn’t? In reiki, mindfulness seeps into everything we teach. One of the beginner exercises is to stay present with your food. From prep to plate to fork to belly. It almost seems unachievable to stay present that long.

But what if?

What if you heeded the call of your billions of cells in real-time?

Take cravings. We tend to write them off as bad. And thus, work to ignore them.

What if we didn’t?

Most are simply misinterpreted. Craving sugar? Your body wants quick energy. Jelly beans are quick energy but so is a fresh berry and yogurt smoothie. Try it for awhile. There are whole blog posts and dissertations written on what certain cravings mean…from the emotional desire to the physical need. Look some up.

Nutrients are more nutritious if your are giving your body the ones it is calling for. If you are answering calls from friends instead of answering the call of your body, you are missing a massive element of nutrition. The nurturing part.

Can you think of areas in your life where you glide through on auto pilot?

What would happen if…just for today…you didn’t?

What if today you chose to tune in, not out?