Health Tip #10 – Know Yourself

Wahoo! We made it to the final tip! Today is that blissful day, where it all comes together. And nothing represents that better than the old adage… know thyself...

If you have read …. and especially if you took the time to experiment with … some of the other tips, you have definitely increased your self-knowledge. It is very difficult to turn the microscope (or spotlight) around to point at yourself without gathering some tidbit of valuable information.

If you are just coming to the party, don’t distress…you can start here…With Post Number One

So, congratulations!

Here are my favorite ways to do a bit of self-exploration.

  1. Take note – (no, that’s not a directive). Our brains work day and night to gather, process, organize and store information. We can help by doing a bit of note-taking. Whether you decide to use a blank notebook or a detailed app, it all leads to the same end. Easy recall of your best inspirations.
  2. Track It – I started tracking my food when I did my fitness training. And, wow! have I learned lots. I know that I don’t get nearly enough calcium in a day unless I make an effort. I also know that when I skip my routine breakfast, I don’t reach my macros, regardless of what I put on my plate the rest of the day. Same goes with workout routines, aches and pains, monthly cycles, etc. The more you track, the more you learn.
  3. Meditation – Sitting quietly and listening to your body. Following a soothing voice through a guided meditation while laying in the tub. Listening to some music as you jog through the countryside. It’s all meditation. It all quiets your mind and tunes you into you! What do you discover? Anything and everything that is waiting for you.
  4. Ph360 – True personalization of life using cutting edge technology and over 20 years of research-based science to decode who you are in this moment and sketch out a pathway to who you want to become… You can dip your toes in for free…but be ready for a deluge of information that introduces you to YOU!
  5. Experiment. Play. Practice. – We were lucky enough to be born into this physical, tangible world. Every tactile experience we can imagine is waiting for us somewhere out there! And every single one that we partake of teaches us something about ourselves. Try new foods (some are yucky…some you’ll find you can’t live without). Take up a new hobby. Make a New Year’s Resolution….and quit it three days into January! It doesn’t much matter what you do. Just as long as you are doing!

Most important take-away?

Enjoy the journey.

Knowing yourself is a life-long process. Health is a nebulous ideal as dynamic as the world around us. Every increment we achieve, opens up new realms of possibility.

Challenge yourself to do one tiny thing to gain one micro-clue about yourself today!

I hope you have enjoyed these health tips and, even more, I hope you discover greater health because of them.