Doing It!

This picture represents two new things in my life.

Number one, the obvious…Tomorrow starts another 14 Day Mobility Challenge with The Ready State. Kelly Starrett (of TRS) is the author of one of my favorite tomes on physical health – “Becoming a Supple Leopard”. One of the best things to emerge from my personal training certification program was a more global understanding of posture. It quickly became my desire to learn to truly build our bodies from the ground up so that every weight we lift, every pedal we push, every step we take ricochets through the body in perfect precision. These bodies we inhabit are amazing creations and we have the ability to hone and shape them, coax and calibrate them to reach greater and greater levels of performance, endurance, strength, and speed. One of the key aspects of each of those is mobility.

I have talked about my goal of becoming more time-savvy. Building my time-management skills. Well, one of the things I have noticed about myself is that if it’s on the schedule … I just do it. Today was my HIIT day for my workout. Yeah, I got up this morning and I didn’t feel like I had the energy, but I got to it anyway. 16 minutes. Who can’t handle that? About 4 minutes in and I felt great. But if it’s not on the schedule it becomes a choice. And while choices are great, sometimes too much choice works against me.

So, that’s what I love about these 14 day challenges – this will be my second with TRS. In those 14 days mobility just happens. I make time for it, whether it’s with my morning workout or my bedtime routine.

And that’s number one…

Number two is that I am giving Instagram a try. With any social media platform, I have to lurk awhile to get a feel for things. Then I have to do research. Catalog protocols. Examine patterns. Check out examples. Just the other day I read this blog post outlining some of the best sites for authors on instagram. This person stressed the importance of visually pleasing photos that actually help with your ‘branding’. The photos from these sites were amazing. Being a huge photography buff, I was all in.

And just when I decided that? The email introducing this round of 14 day challenges from TRS – and one of their “things” is a giveaway of a year subscription to three people who post at least 3 times on Instagram and tag them in it.

So this pix (above) was post #2 for my feed (is it called that?) on Instagram.

I am sure tweens click a pix, tap a few keys and have their post live in a matter of seconds. Me? It’s more like hours.

But I am doing it!

So today…no matter what you are doing or how fast or slow…enjoy the process!

And give yourself a big hug for Doing It!