Health Tip #5 – Take Responsibility

You are the only one who can do it.

Do what?


That is why Take Responsibility is Health Tip #5

Responsibility is a common theme of my ramblings because is applicable across-the-board. Responsibility is the “Ability to respond”. That’s it.

The big part is recognizing that we do have the ability to respond in every aspect of our lives. And then figuring out if we want to.

Why Take Responsibility?

In reiki, I can facilitate relaxation which sets off a chain of events in the body to restore balance, but the client has to schedule, show up, trust, be open, be honest about their needs, partake in some after-care…etc.

Personal Training? I can take all of the pertinent information, devise a specialized work-out program, show up at the scheduled time, guide, cheer and listen… yet the client has to do all of the work. They have to huff and puff and sweat. They have to decline the second piece of cake, take a pass on late night poker, maybe even cram a few gross green leafy things down their throats. They make the changes.

The healthcare system? Uh, isn’t there for your health. It’s there for when you screw up. And, yeah, doctors and nurses and specialists of all sorts have skills and knowledge to make suggestions and elucidate you on how you got there and how you can get back…but again…the patient has to do all the work.

Bottom line? No one is out there to “fix” you.

Why wait until something has to be fixed anyway?

In reiki we talk about layer upon layer of subtle vibrations that eventually pile up to create something solid. What does that even mean? It means that where our physical bodies are concerned, we ignore the light tap at the door, the timid rap of knuckles, the bang of fist, the rapid pounding of several fists, then the karate kick that knocks the door off it’s hinges. And then we go to the doctor and ask them to fix us.

By taking responsibility, listening to the subtle messages our bodies and the world send us every day and making necessary adjustments, we take control of our present and direct our future.

What could be better than that?