Romance Unleashed

For just a bit of back story – as a result of a torrid and terrible 2019 – I have come to settle back in my hometown. Back in my childhood home. My parent’s home of over 40 years. In the process of organizing and cleaning, I have found hundreds, if not thousands, of romance novels stashed in almost as many different places around the house. Just the other day I told my sister that mom and dad stockpiled romance novels like other people stockpiled toilet paper, cleaning supplies and water. If the apocalypse had occurred in their lifetime…my parents would have had plenty to read!

So, the question that begs to be asked…does the couple who reads romance novels together stay together?

I say yes!

The romance genre gets a bad rap sometimes for painting an unrealistic picture of relationships and love.

But I disagree.

I think it upholds a standard to which each of us should aspire.

I said aspire.

Nobody is perfect.

My parents fought.

“Oh Charles…” (said in a very disapproving voice) was my mother’s catch-phrase.

And dad’s? “Now Mary,” (said in a placating voice). She would explain social graces to him. He would explain world reality to her. They were quite the pair.

My father, having had a bit of a hard upbringing, was kind of a bad boy. He was used to doing pretty much what he wanted … and getting in trouble for it. My mother was a pious girl who actually understood societal norms and stuck to them steadfastly. Kinda like shadow and light, those two.

But they had devout respect for each other. And the institution of marriage.

And romance.

They held hands walking down the street. They kissed hello and good bye and good night and just for good fun. Dad bought mom flowers and candies and jewelry….not just on special occasions. Mom made him clothes, reupholstered his favorite chairs, handled anything to do with computers and kept them in the social loop. (Dad liked people, but hated talking on the phone). And they settled down each night to watch the Hallmark channel.

They did lots of romantic things, but most of all, they were openly romantic.

Which is a bit outdated now, I think.

Today, it seems that society points a finger and giggles at romance, if it’s not outright scoffing at the notion. I was ridiculed for reading romance in high school. I get ridiculed now for having a ‘romantic’ outlook. It’s a bit akin to being soft in the head, some people think.

But I think that the couple who appreciates romance – and especially reads or watches romantic stories – are more comfortable with the intricacies of the affairs of the heart. And when you are more comfy with something, you are more relaxed and natural. And what could be better for a relationship than that?

So, I say…bring on the romantic fiction and

…Unleash the Forever Romance!