Shout Out to Tech Support!

Technology is a learning curve for me…which I am still making my way to the top of. It is long and tedious and I get in over my head often.

Enter Tech Support!

I am not good at asking for help, but sometimes it’s my only option (short of banging my head against my keyboard, hoping for enlightenment). Therefore, I have had several encounters with them of late. And… wow! I am so impressed! Not only are they knowledgeable, but they are kind and patient.

My daughter in law used to work in the industry and she introduced me to the importance of filling in the feedback forms. I know it is hard to spend any more time … because you have just spent more time fixing an issue than you wanted to spend in the first place…but please do! Feedback is vital (in some corporations) to the employee’s livelihood and paycheck. Not taking the time to fill it in when we are happy leaves them only with bad reviews from people who are overly stressed and steeped in anger.

Please help tip the scales!’s a shout out to all of the people that work in tech support of any kind!

Thank you!